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Gratitude on Mother's Day

As Mother’s Day approaches, we are reminded that the gift of life from our Mothers is like the gift of life from Mother Nature to all on earth. Vedic celebrations express gratitude to the Mother, the Father and then the Guru. The Mother is the spark of creation and movement of time; the power of her shakti (dynamism) materialising existence.

Hindu guru, Amma, said “Nature is our first Mother. She nurtures us throughout our lives. Our birth mother may allow us to sit on her lap, but Mother Nature patiently bears our weight our entire life. Just as a child is obligated to his birth mother, we should feel an obligation and responsibility toward Mother Nature.”

समुद्र-वसने देवि, पर्वत-स्तन-मंडिते । विष्णु-पत्नि नमस्तुभ्यं, पाद-स्पर्शं क्षमस्व मे

And like our relationship with Mother Nature, the relationship with our own Mother has a profound effect on our experience of life and how we view the world. Listening and communicating with both will help us achieve a more fulfilling life for ourselves, and the Mothers. For the gift of reconnecting with Mother Nature and your own Mother this Mother’s Day, if you are able to, enjoy yoga together at sunrise. Be outdoors to revel in the glory of nature and share this special time together as you are filled with good prana.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the strong women in our worlds… patience, unconditional love, and acceptance. Take time to acknowledge your own resilience and courage and know that you really are the giver of all. Allow those who love you to pamper you today and take time to walk in nature and appreciate all her beauty.

To book a special Mother’s Day Body Ritual or Facial Ritual please call 0433 090 696.

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