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What can Remedial Massage do for You?

Massage can sometimes be viewed as a luxury treatment… but if we begin to understand the therapeutic benefits of remedial massage, we can see that it is much more than that!  Most people enjoy feeling a deep sense of relaxation, during and after a massage, but how many of us truly understand the plethora of benefits that can be attained through regular massage therapy. 


Here are a few to think about:


Stress Reduction

A massage can encourage the body to produce endorphins, which reduce stress levels and promote a sense of deep relaxation.  And at the same time, massage can reduce the production of adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine, which are all stress-inducing hormones.  Reducing these stress hormones not only makes us feel better, but has many other benefits such as promoting better immunity and allowing a clearer state of mental alertness.


So the feel good factor goes much further than just ‘feeling good’, it actually allows the body to re-set itself and reduces the stress chemicals that are so much a part of our every day lives.


Muscular and Postural Dysfunctions

A remedial massage therapist will assess your body, observing muscular dysfunctions.  Based on their findings, they will then tailor the treatment according to your individual need.  Remedial massage can help to repair muscles and tendons that have been impaired through various situations ranging from a sporting accident to sitting at a desk day in day out.  Regular massage can also help to improve postural dysfunctions by lengthening out the muscles and improving postural alignment.


Increasing Mobility

Most of us feel stiff at some point during the day, and this tends to become more prevalent as we get older.  Regular massage can help to ‘oil’ the body by balancing the length, tone and functionality of the soft tissue, with a long-term effect of more flexibility and mobility.


Reducing Anxiety

We live in a fast paced world and spend a lot of time on the go.  Anxiety is something that many of us will experience at some point during our lives.  When we become anxious we often go into ‘fight or flight’ mode which can lead to uncomfortable physical symptoms such as a shortening of breath, an accelerated heart rate and maybe even panic.  Massage has the opposite effect on the body as it elicits the relaxation response, lowering the heart rate, reducing tension and bringing about a sense of calm.


And a Few More to Think About…

Reducing headaches, lowering blood pressure, alleviating back pain, increasing circulation, promoting cell regeneration, reducing insomnia, alleviating chronic pain, reducing stiffness, eliminating toxins, alleviating arthritis, reducing inflammation


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